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Signees of interims banknotes, the positions they held, samples, variants & rarity of the signatures.

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DOAB Chief Cashier in Daressalam & from 1916 in Tabora. Ex-paymaster on a ship?

1 - Very Common


Pay officer for the soldiers and on the accounts committee

5 - Very Rare


DOAB bank official, from 1916 Cashier in Tabora. Ex-rail civil service officer

2 - Common


DOAB Director

1 - Very Common


Government Secretary

1 - Very Common


Government Secretary

4 - Rare


Government Secretary

1 - Very Common


DOAB bank official

1 - Very Common


Police Official. During the war deputy commissioner in Tabora or Dodoma.

6 - Extremely Rare


Pensions Officer and chair of the accounts committee in Daressalam

3 - Not Common


Government Assistant

1 - Very Common


Government Secretary in the area office of Dodoma

4 - Rare


Government Secretary and director of the war office of the governor Dr. Schnee

4 - Rare


Government Secretary

2 - Common


Government Secretary

3 - Not Common


Government Commissioner Secretary, Lieutenant in the Reserves, qualified Veterinarian & Catholic Mission Treasurer

3 - Not Common


Government Secretary

4 - Rare


Government Secretary

3 - Not Common


DOAB bank official

1 - Very Common


DOAB bank official

5 - Very Rare


1 - Very Common


1 - Very Common

Frühling type 1 with 'gez'

2 - Common

Frühling type 1 without 'gez'

2 - Common

Frühling type 2 with 'gez'

2 - Common

Frühling type 2 without 'gez'

2 - Common

Hand signed signatures

Printed signatures

Stamped signatures

My proposed signature combination reference system for interims banknotes.

Left Side Signature

Right Side Signature

Hand signed

1. Berendt

a. Berendt

2. Brandenburg

b. Brandenburg

3. Ernst

c. Ernst

4. Frühling

d. Frühling

5. Häge

e. Häge

6. Kessal

f. Kessal

7. Kielich

g. Kielich

8. Kirst

h. Kirst

9. Kreuzberger

i. Kreuzberger

10. Lergen

j. Lergen

11. Lichtenstein

k. Lichtenstein

12. Menzel

l. Menzel

13. Müller

m. Müller

14. Neugebauer

n. Neugebauer

15. Pohl

o. Pohl

16. Reindl

p. Reindl

17. Schön

q. Schön

18. Seidenschwarz

r. Seidenschwarz

19. Stelling

s. Stelling

20. Westhaus

t. Westhaus


21. Frühling type 1 with 'gez'

u. Frühling type 1 with 'gez'

22. Frühling type 1 without 'gez'

v. Frühling type 1 without 'gez'

23. Frühling type 2 with 'gez'

w. Frühling type 2 with 'gez'

24. Frühling type 2 without 'gez'

x. Frühling type 2 without 'gez'


25. Berendt

y. Berendt

26. Frühling

z. Frühling

Interim banknotes of German East Africa have many different signature combinations. While there are a total of 26 signatures and most of them are hand signed, there are some that are only printed and some that are found as a stamped variety. Also the fact that the same person sometimes signed the left side of one note and the right side of a different one makes cataloguing signature combinations a little more complicated!

My attempt to offer a solution is a simple reference system using numbers and alphabets.  I have listed all 26 signature varieties on the left side and assigned them a number as well as listing all 26 on the right side and assigned  them an alphabet. The combination of the 2 gives the required left-right signature combination found on a particular note - a simple system indeed but using it one can additionally distinguish between the hand signed, printed and stamped signatures.  So for example :


Left Hand Signature

Right Hand Signature




Ernst (hand signed)

Pohl (hand signed)

 Berendt  (stamped)

Kirst (hand signed)

 Frühling  (stamped)

 Frühling type 2 with 'gez' (printed)

There are of course some signature combinations that don't exist and some signatures that are found only on one side but using this system one can use whatever combination is needed and cover all potential combinations including the possibilty of discovering new ones. I hope all this makes sense and helps any collector at any stage of collecting German East Africa Interims banknotes!

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